In the coldest week of the year CODON organized the perfect activity to warm up! Watching a movie with your fellow students while enjoying a beer, soda or some snacks. It was a great success!
Grolsch Excursion
Last week, on the 22nd of February, 50 of our members visited the Grolsch brewery in Enschede. We discovered what it is that makes Grolsch so special compared to other beers and how they accomplish this. It was great to see which marketing strategies they employed throughout the years and how they try to be unique every time. We saw first hand how their famous ‘swing top bottle’ (beugel) is made and we ended on a great note during their ‘product confrontation’.
New years’ dinner
Last Tuesday (16 January) CODON organized the annual new year’s diner. About 50 people were present at this activity. Plans for the coming year were discussed, new year’s resolutions were broken, food and wine consumed and friendships were made and improved.
All the CODON members enjoyed the wine, chocolate fondue, meat and of course vegetarian options available. Despite some issues with the power supply the spirit remained high. Thanks to those that were present it was a really nice and enjoyable evening. We hope to see you on the next CODON activity and next year’s diner!?
Aanmelden BBQ
Als je je wilt aanmelden voor de bbq op 9 juni bij het gat, kan dat hieronder. Vergeet niet dat je inschrijving pas volledig is als je het geld hebt overgemaakt naar NL64 RABO 0367 0544 69 ten name van Axie CODON.
Aanmelden klimmen
Hallo, leuk dat je mee wilt gaan naar het klimbos!
Schrijf je hier in en maak 7 euro over naar NL64 RABO 0367 0544 69 ten name van Axie CODON
Enquête Axie
Kom je wel eens naar activiteiten van de Axie, of heb je nog nooit van de Axie gehoord? Maakt niets uit! Iedereen mag onderstaande enquête over de Axie invullen, graag zelfs!
Alvast bedankt!
– De Axie